I must say I am obsessedddddd with self diagnosing myself through google. It is possibly the most torturous thing you can do to yourself. So the next time you have an ear ache DO NOT turn to google for any help. EVERY person is different and just because someone lost their leg from something that started off as an ear ache doesn't mean you will loose yours too!! LOL

My advice GO SEE A DOCTOR!!


I am aware that I jumped on the ombre bandwagon a little late... but the reason I chose to dye my hair ombre was merely to conceal the look of my natural blonde hair growing out.

Firstly, I dyed all of my hair using Nice' n Easy 'Natural Medium Ash Blonde' 106. I matched this colour to my roots so when my natural blonde hair starts to grow out you won't see a huge contrast. If you have dark hair and your roots are unnoticeable than you don't need to do this step.

Than it was OMBRE' time!!!

The box I chose was L'Oreal ombre for blondes (the last box in the pic)...basically its a bleach bottle and a brush. This step can also be achieved using any hair dye that reads: light blonde/ light bleach blonde/ bleach

IMPORTANT**After reading the instructions on the L'Oreal ombre box I knew they had it completely backwards (don't believe everything you read). The box instructed me to put apply the dye mid way on my hair shaft so basically right at my ears. Okay, i'm no hair expert but the longer you leave hair dye in the more it develops and the lighter the hair. So why would I want the lightest part of my ombre to start mid way down my hair? Complete nonsense

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO>>> is apply the hair dye at your tips (3 inches from your ends) leave it in for about 10 mins AND do not wash it out!!!. Than with a brush apply 3 inches of dye above the previous application and leave for another ten minutes...then do the same until you reach the mid section of your hair. Depending on the length of your hair and the variation between the hues of blonde you can gage how many inches you want to dye each section until you reach the middle of your hair. Just be sure to not leave the entire dye in for over 40 mins!

- Use a brush to apply the hair dye to give a smoother transition between the blonde hues
-When you apply the dye overlap each section a little so it creates a smooth transition
-Ask a friend to help!!! The back of your hair can be difficult to apply evenly
-Once you wash out all of the hair dye you can always go back and apply more dye to the tips to make them lighter

Ombre' Fail- these bishes must have followed the instructions on the L'Oreal box-DAMN girl!

Put down the bottle ( I repeat)

Im taking the vow... to stop using hair dye!!!!!

Over the past four years, it's become a monthly cycle that I haven't been able to put a stop to. But i'm finally ready to stop processing my locks. It's difficult because I can't bare the sight of a dark root, but it's time to accept the fact that I don't have naturally platinum blonde hair.

Bye Bye 'Platinum blonde' hair and hello 'dirty blonde' locks.

Disco Days

Got myself a pair of disco tights and I loveeeee them
I never thought they would suit my body cause I got dem curvesssssss girlllll
but the tights are thick enough to hide any imperfections ( cough cough cellulite) and are extremely slimming.

(via ilovethelot.com)

Those Devilish Days

At work, and this is how I feel...
(via sorry.tumblr.com)

Otter Box Rules!!!

I have to say that Otter Box is a truly amazing company! Just under a year ago, I got an iphone 4S otter box from Daniel and after a few accidental slips out of my hand...it cracked. I called the company and was actually surprised that I didn't have to battle my way through multiple service employees. I was greeted by such a sweet man, and after 20 simple questions ( just about the type of phone nothing intense) he assured me that the case would be replaced. And it wasn't a fluke, because after he sent me the invoice I noticed my address was incorrect so I had to call back. This time when I called a woman answered and was just as delightful as the previous employee. 

Otter Box should be an example for all companies.!!! Treat your customers with respect and they will continue to buy and promote your products.

You will be sent an email to take pictures of the broken case to send back to the company and also the invoice did not have any charges on it is just standard procedure.

Not Just For Bum Bums

I could literally write a book on how much I love Sudocrem. I'm not too sure on how I discovered it, but most likely I randomly picked it off the shelf in Shoppers Drug Mart during one of my product experimental phases. I go through those phases often. I think my boyfriend is so use to my ways that he wouldn't look twice if I was lying on the couch with a banana peel slapped to my face with a big glob of peanut butter (i'm kidding...nutella obviously lol). But seriously I could spend hours searching the internet for products and remedies to fix every skin problem imaginable, regardless if it applies to my own issue. But back to Sudocrem. I love this stuff!!!!. Mothers use it on babies bums...so why can't I use it on my face? Every night I go to bed I rub it into any red spot, and by any red spot I mean ANYTHING...Pimples, things that look like pimples, razor burn, rashes and the list goes on. The results have been soooo amazing that I have literally gone through tubs of this stuff.

Please Pass The Fancy Sauce!

My sister likes to describe my food preferences as "trailor park" (no offence to people who live in trailors). But if you know me than you know I rarely experiment with my food, I stick to what I like!! For example, if I go to a restaurant and there are 30 items on the menu I will most likely be divided on 3 choices: chicken fingers, burger and fries or pasta (tomatoe sauce only). Over the years, I have tried to expand and improve my palate so I could invite more flavours and foods into my life but it has not been so successful. 

I have come to accept the fact that the foods below will never be part of my diet. I have tried many times but I can barely get past the smell... 


"If you do not take notice of the danger signs, something will always happen to slow you down, until you do take notice".

(via scumbagcrew.tumblr.com)

Boottyyyyyy Full

Nadia Aboulhosn is a plus size model who knows how to work her curves.
Her style is fierce and her confidence radiates through every single photograph.
I look up to women like Nadia because she doesn't let her size or shape hold her back.

Believe me women Beauty is all about confidence!!!!!
Once you master the art of confidence people will be drawn towards you.

Click here to see the more Nadia wildness.